Photo gallery software

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sigal appears to be the most current static gallery generator and is also fairly easy to use:

sigal init
sigal build -c pictures gallery

Now the gallery directory can be served by a webserver, or even by sigal itself:

$ sigal serve gallery/
DESTINATION : gallery/
  * Running on


igal2 is a successor of igal.

Basic usage:

igal2 -d . -a -k -r --www --dest assets/

This will process pictures in the current directory, with the following options:

-d <dir>     operate on files in directory <dir> (.)
-a           write image sizes under thumbnails on index page
-k           use the image captions for the HTML slide titles
-r           omit the film reel effect altogether
--www        make all iGal files world-readable
--dest       Destination directory for the helper files

There's no easy way to specify a gallery title or to change the sort order of the gallery.


llgal is based on igal but has some additional features. The last release is from 2011[1] but its SVN repository[2] has some recent activity.

Basic usage:

llgal --www --sort revtime --ct %Y-%m-%d -a -d . -k --title "Pictures of Foo"

This will process pictures in the current directory, with the following options:

--www              make all llgal files world-readable
--sort revtime     sort pictures in reverse-mtime (oldest pictures on top)
--ct %Y-%m-%d      use image timestamps as captions, YYYY-mm-dd
-a                 write image sizes under thumbnails on index page
-d                 operate in directory <dir> (current directory)
-k                 use the image captions for the HTML slide titles
--title            title of the index of the gallery

llgal can be customized[3] quite a bit.


Generate captions:

$ llgal --gc
Listing entries in . :  100.00%
Found 147 entries in current directory
Creating the captions file:  100.00%
Now edit the .llgal/captions file to your liking and run llgal!

Edit captions:

$ vi .llgal/captions
IMG: DSCN1610.JPG ---- This is a picture of foo
IMG: DSCN1611.JPG ---- Here you can see some bar

...and then run llgal again.

Next slide

Go to the next slide by clicking the current slide picture by changing ~/.llgal/slidetemplate.html like this:




<a href="<!--NEXT-SLIDE-->"><!--THIS-SLIDE--></a>

...and run llgal again:

$ llgal --www --sort revtime --ct %Y-%m-%d -a -d . -k --title "Pictures of Foo"
Reading entries in the captions file:  100.00%
Preparing entries:  100.00%
Found 147 entries in the captions file.
Using '/home/bob/.llgal/slidetemplate.html' as HTML slide template.
Creating individual slides:  100.00%
Using '/usr/share/llgal/indextemplate.html' as HTML index template.
Creating the index.html file:  100.00%
Found llgal.css in .llgal/, using it.
Making all llgal files world-readable for WWW publishing.



To install Piwigo from SVN:

svn checkout
svn switch                # Switch to a stable version
svn export --force . ~/htdocs/piwigo/

Create a few prerequisites:

mkdir -p -m0770 _data upload
chmod 0770 _data local{,/config} themes
sudo chgrp www-data _data themes upload 

After creating a database, create the database structure:

mysql -D piwigo -u piwigo -p < install/piwigo_structure-mysql.sql
mysql -D piwigo -u piwigo -p < install/config.sql

Open the Piwigo URL to start the installation routine:


svn switch                # Switch to the new version
svn export --force . ~/htdocs/piwigo/

Point the browser to the upgrade routine:



Checkout Zenphoto from HEAD:

git clone git:// zenphoto-git

Export a branch to document root:

cd zenphoto-git
git archive --format=tar --prefix=zenphoto/ origin/1.4.5 | tar -C ~/htdocs -xf -

Remove clutter, adjust permissions:

cd ~/htdocs/zenphoto
rm -rf doc_files/
mkdir cache_html

chmod 0770 albums cache cache_html plugins uploaded zp-data
sudo chgrp www-data albums cache cache_html plugins uploaded zp-data
touch {albums,cache,cache_html,themes,uploaded,zp-data}/index.html        # Prevent directory listing

With that in place, we have to configure zp-data/zenphoto.cfg:

$ grep ^.conf zp-data/zenphoto.cfg
$conf['db_software']    = 'MySQL';
$conf['mysql_user']     = 'foo';
$conf['mysql_pass']     = 's3cr3t';
$conf['mysql_host']     = '';
$conf['mysql_database'] = 'bar';
$conf['mysql_prefix']   = 'zp_';
$conf['UTF-8']          = true;
$conf['album_folder']   = '/albums/';
$conf['album_folder_class'] = 'std';
$conf['upload_tmp_dir'] = '/www/htdocs/zenphoto/uploaded/tmp';
$conf['server_protocol']    = "https";

Be sure to restrict access to logfiles that may be generated in zp-data/:

sudo chmod 0240 zp-data/*.log
sudo chown www-data:bob zp-data/*.log

After that, try to access Once this is done, the setup directory can be locked:

chmod 0000 zp-core/setup*


cd zenphoto-git
git archive --format=tar --prefix=zenphoto/ origin/1.4.6 | tar -C ~/htdocs -xf -

Unlock setup files:

chmod 0555 zp-core/setup
chmod 0444 zp-core/setup.php

Go to and follow the instructions. The database user must have sufficient privileges to ALTER the structure of the database.

Be sure to lock the setup files afterwards:

chmod 0000 zp-core/setup*

