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The WSUS Offline Update is a convenient way to download updates for a Windows sytem once and install those updates later on, possibly on more than one system:

 $ sudo apt-get install cabextract xmlstarlet
 $ unzip wsusoffline*.zip
 $ cd wsusoffline
 $ bash sh/ /help
 Usage: [system] [language] [parameter]

  Supported systems:
  w2k, wxp, wxp-x64, w2k3, w2k3-x64, w60, w60-x64, w61, w61-x64, oxp, o2k3, o2k7, all-x64, all-x86

  Supported languages:
  enu, deu, nld, esn, fra, ptg, ptb, ita, rus, plk, ell, csy
  dan, nor, sve, fin, jpn, kor, chs, cht, hun, trk, ara, heb

  /excludesp - do not download servicepacks
  /makeiso   - create ISO image
  /dotnet    - download .NET framework
  /mssedefs  - download Microsoft Security Essentials definition files
  /nocleanup - do not cleanup client directory
  /proxy     - define proxy server (/proxy http://[username:password@]<server>:<port>)

  Example: wxp deu /dotnet /makeiso
  $ bash sh/ wxp enu /dotnet /makeiso /mssedefs
  $ ls -lgoh iso/wsusoffline-wxp-enu.iso 
  -rw-r--r-- 1 1.4G 2010-11-17 00:02 iso/wsusoffline-wxp-enu.iso

Now the generated ISO in iso/ can be used to update the Windows system.
