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If we don't want to install a binary package, we can compile it from source too. Install prerequisites, for Debian or Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install automake libevent-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev docbook-xsl docbook-xml libxml2-utils xsltproc asciidoc

...for Fedora or CentOS:

sudo yum install automake libevent-devel libssl-dev zlib-devel

Checkout the source:

git clone tor-git
cd tor-git

./configure --prefix=/opt/tor --enable-gcc-warnings --enable-gcc-hardening --enable-linker-hardening --enable-systemd --disable-asciidoc --disable-html-manual
sudo make install


  • "--enable-linker-hardening" will only work if the architecture supports it.[1]
  • "--enable-gcc-warnings" might fail because of newer OpenSSL versions[2]) - try to use "--enable-gcc-warnings-advisory" instead.

Set up tor user:

sudo useradd --home-dir /var/lib/tor --system --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --user-group tor
sudo mkdir --mode=0700 --parents /var/{lib,log}/tor
sudo chown tor:tor /var/{lib,log}/tor



A relay is a listed (public) entry-relay.

$ cat torrc
ORPort                 9001
BridgeRelay            0
ExitPolicy             reject *:*

Nickname               alice
ContactInfo            Alice

RunAsDaemon            1
DataDirectory          /var/lib/tor
Log notice file        /var/log/tor/notices.log

RelayBandwidthRate     100 KBytes # Throttle traffic
RelayBandwidthBurst    250 KBytes # But allow bursts
MaxAdvertisedBandwidth 100 KBytes

AccountingMax           50 GBytes
AccountingStart       week 1 00:00

Bridge relay

A bridge-relay is an unlisted entry-relay, replacing the first hop. Bridges are not listed publicly but are discovered by another process.

$ cat torrc
ORPort                 9001
BridgeRelay            1
ExitPolicy             reject *:*

Nickname               alice
ContactInfo            Alice

RunAsDaemon            1
DataDirectory          /var/lib/tor
Log notice file        /var/log/tor/notices.log

RelayBandwidthRate     100 KBytes # Throttle traffic
RelayBandwidthBurst    250 KBytes # But allow bursts
MaxAdvertisedBandwidth 100 KBytes

AccountingMax           50 GBytes
AccountingStart       week 1 00:00

obfsproxy may be useful so that censored clients can connect to Tor. Install obfsproxy and add the following lines to torrc:

ServerTransportPlugin           obfs2,obfs3 exec /usr/bin/obfsproxy managed
ServerTransportListenAddr       obfs2
ServerTransportListenAddr       obfs3

The ServerTransportListenAddr directive is optional but it can be useful to have static portnumbers, because they have to be opened (resp. port-forwarded) at the firewall.

Exit node

An exitnode is the last hop in the onion network. These nodes might be blocked by certain services and sometimes have to deal with legal issues too.

$ cat torrc
ORPort                 9001
BridgeRelay            0
# ExitPolicy           reject *:*

Nickname               alice
ContactInfo            Alice

RunAsDaemon            1
DataDirectory          /var/lib/tor
Log notice file        /var/log/tor/notices.log

RelayBandwidthRate     100 KBytes # Throttle traffic
RelayBandwidthBurst    250 KBytes # But allow bursts
MaxAdvertisedBandwidth 100 KBytes

AccountingMax           50 GBytes
AccountingStart       week 1 00:00



Add the following Socks... options to run a SOCKS-Server, where SOCKS-enabled clients (i.e. HTTP-proxies) can connect to:

SocksPolicy accept
SocksPolicy accept
SocksPolicy reject     *:*

Add the following to the Privoxy config:

forward-socks5  / .

Or, for Polipo:

socksParentProxy = ""
socksProxyType   = socks5


Add the following to allow Munin-plugins to connect to tor to gather statistics:[3]

ControlPort            9051
HashedControlPassword  16:D10B09C3D2D1F7E3603C6D86EA782D51300FCD5E2CA2552D6A08BE57AA

The password is generated with:

$ tor --hash-password s3cr3tp4ssw0rd

Alternatively, one can use a CookieAuthFile[4] instead of a password:

CookieAuthentication   1
CookieAuthFile         /var/lib/tor/control_auth_cookie


Some hardening options[5] to consider when running under systemd:

LimitNOFILE = 32768
MemoryDenyWriteExecute = yes
NoNewPrivileges = yes
PrivateDevices = yes
PrivateTmp = yes
# PrivateUsers = yes
ProtectControlGroups = yes
ProtectHome = yes
ProtectKernelModules = yes
ProtectKernelTunables = yes
ProtectSystem = strict
ReadWriteDirectories = /var/lib/tor/
RestrictAddressFamilies = AF_INET AF_INET6 AF_UNIX
RestrictNamespaces = yes
# RuntimeDirectory = tor
RuntimeDirectoryMode = 0700
# SystemCallFilter = ~@clock @cpu-emulation @keyring @module @mount @privileged @raw-io

Enable more options if needed.

Once running, let's check on the process' capabilities:[6]

$ grep Cap /proc/$(pgrep -x tor)/status
CapInh: 0000000000000000
CapPrm: 0000000000000000
CapEff: 0000000000000000
CapBnd: 00000000000004c4
CapAmb: 0000000000000000

Decode[7] them with capsh:

$ capsh --decode=00000000000004c4


The nyx (formerly arm[8]) is a CLI status monitor for Tor:

sudo apt-get install nyx                             # Debian, Ubuntu
sudo dnf install nyx                                 # Fedora

nyx needs DisableDebuggerAttachment set to "0" in torrc to function properly.[9][10]

sudo -u tor nyx


      0 	TCP 	N/A 	Downstream IPv4/IPv6
     25 	TCP 	SMTP 	Both 	   IPv4/IPv6
     67 	UDP 	DHCP 	Downstream IPv4
135-139 	TCP/UDP NetBios	Both       IPv4/IPv6
    161 	UDP 	SNMP 	Both       IPv4/IPv6
    445 	TCP 	SMB 	Both       IPv4/IPv6
    520 	UDP 	RIP 	Both 	   IPv4
    547 	UDP 	DHCPv6 	Downstream IPv6
   1080 	TCP 	SOCKS 	Downstream IPv4/IPv6
   1900 	UDP 	SSDP 	Both 	   IPv4/IPv6
